Top 3 Marketing Trends That Will Shape 2019
There are core-marketing methods that are tried and true year after year; brand awareness and customer interaction are musts that need to be integrated in day-to-day marketing strategies. Acknowledging new trends each year is a must when preparing your new year marketing initiatives.
With the New Year we have compiled our top 3 marketing trends we predict will shape 2019.
1. The human side of marketing
Embracing a deeper understanding of human behavior that will foster more meaningful relationships in both B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) marketing settings. Digging deeper to understand your audience is one of the beginning action items of our deep dive into strategic analysis performed when we onboard a new client. Inspiring your audience and understanding what inspires them has a remarkable power to ignite audience interaction.
2. Integrated marketing
2019 will be about integrating all marketing efforts to maximize results. Online, social and mobile marketing will be the top 3 players to acknowledge when assembling your marketing plan. Fully leverage content among these three major players will ensure optimal success.
3. Brand ambassadors equals your customers
Let your product, business or service to the talking through your customers. Utilizing your testimonials through rating platforms like Yelp or reviews left on your products being sold on Amazon. Leverage your customers as brand ambassadors by asking them to share info on a product to their personal networks. This will leverage a traditional marketing aspect in the form of digital word of mouth marketing.
For more information on implementing our predicted top marketing trends of 2019 into your marketing strategy, contact us now.